Third Space Learning / Acquisition, retention and global growth

How do we deliver one to one tutoring at a global scale, that truly impacts learning and at a cost that works for Schools?

Third Space Learning is a one-to-one tutoring service teaching Maths to children in schools aged from 5 to 16 years. They provide a huge library of free and premium learning resources to teachers as part of their content-led customer acquisition model, have a tutor recruitment platform along with customer (schools) onboarding, set up and a virtual classroom for tutoring sessions with pupils/students, teachers, support staff, tutors and all the supporting operational functions.

Third Space Learning has many thousands of tutors based in Asia and serves schools in the UK with current expansion into the US. Whilst successful and growing rapidly the business had many challenges when I joined, needing to mature in process, develop clear strategic plans, build teams to keep pace with growth, rebrand, redesign and rebuild across marketing, product, platform, learning resources and operational systems in London and Sri Lanka - whilst continuing to improve engagement in Math(s) with our pupils/students and teachers…

This has been my role for the last 3 years, in that time we have moved from a 3.5m to 13m (now profitable) business. Reporting directly to the CEO as an active member of the management team.

Responsible for;
Building a global team
, company capability & professionalise product management and experience design processes.

Product strategy & vision, UXD including research and service design

New customer experiences on a completely refactored engineering stack design for global scale

Responsible for global design system across all aspects of the product, resources, brand marketing, comms, moving to a single storybook / Figma based workflow.

MedShr / Sharing Knowledge, saving lives

How do we meet the learining needs of Doctors and HCP worldwide?

MedShr is a global social platform designed for doctors and medical students. It enables them to share knowledge, discuss clinical cases, and stay up-to-date with the latest medical news and research. MedShr also allows doctors to collaborate on patient cases, get feedback from peers, and learn from real-world experiences. In addition, the platform offers educational resources and professional development opportunities. MedShr's mission is to improve patient care and democratise medical knowledge by connecting doctors from around the world.

As part of the MedShr ecosystem, I worked directly with the CEO and different product teams to meet various challenges, including Strategy, UX, and product management. Notably, these include:

MedShr Insight - using the power of artificial intelligence to derive meaningful clinical insights from real-world physician discussions. The bulk of this product was developed with an external duo and an internal development team. I was brought in to help get this highly technical service into an MVP that could launch to existing customers.

MedShr Learning - interactive online learning - from webinar recordings to e-learning modules - created by leaders and experts in their own fields. Learning modules cover a wide range of subjects, from core skills to specialist medical education, connected in Series within Learning Libraries. Designing an entire end-to-end learning platform to be used by staff and societies to provide CPD. From no platform to over 1,000 courses published, I worked with the development and content teams at MedShr to create this new platform that includes extensive feature set and learning insight.

MedShr DocSearch - a powerful medical search engine that allows doctors to find and access the latest medical knowledge and research from a variety of sources. It offers a single platform to search across multiple databases and resources, including PubMed, Cochrane Library, and more. The underlying service was redesigned to align branding, with new onboarding and greatly improved usability. It has grown usage, becoming a valuable addition to MedShr's ecosystem. - with the opening of its NY office in January 2023, MedShr required a .com site aimed at pharma and super-fast - literally from zero to live in a few weeks...

Macmillan Education / Navio

How do we engage Primary aged learners of English?


Navio is a new digital platform that accompanies Macmillan Education’s English language courses for young learners. It provides teachers with a seamless transition between the course-book and digital teaching activities. It also makes learning more engaging for young learners who achieve rewards by completing game-based language activities.

Working with the Directors, Senior Managers & Publishers of a Macmillan to build a new team capable of global research, design a new platform, build a design system across platform and content repository, build and launch a new platform into new and existing markets around the world.

It was a team sport, mammoth effort, we got it done.

Build a team, company capability & professionalise design processes.

User research, UX, strategy & product vision

Design a platform and content for delivery across multiple devices & OS and complex classroom context.

Build a global design system across UI & brand (including the commissioning of a font to work in every medium and designed for Primary.)

Service design across multiple touch points - physical & digital, new and legacy systems - 6 stages from acquisition to retention.

Insight bank Build shared user insight across the business (including insight events)

60 learning content templates Updated and refreshed interactive media activities and content players

Resilience - Make all of this work in an immature (in terms of design/UX) business with hybrid Agile & waterfall and complex, chaotic, stakeholder matrix.

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“At last - a Primary School font, which actually works on screen and in print, that is not comic sans”

Created by the fantastic typographers at Colophon Foundry

Observational based research (and makes is all worthwhile - children enjoying their English lesson)

Observational based research (and makes is all worthwhile - children enjoying their English lesson)

Macmillan Education / Everywhere

How does a textbook publisher meet the needs of adult ELT students ?


Designed for teachers in a classroom context using iWB & projectors, robust & easy to use book display with auto zooming, rich media, digital activities, whiteboard tools, homework setting & progress tracking.

Comprehensive activities for preparation and practice, mobile fist, rich variation of activity types, course content, teacher set homework and and extra challenges.


Founders Factory / Airsupply

What’s the easiest way for a school to book a supply teacher?


I’ve been an advisor to numerous .org and start-ups and am currently supporting Airsupply who are disrupting the supply teacher recruitment market in the UK and subsequently saving UK schools a small fortune that can be better spent.

Having built out a working MVP and having already gained fantastic traction, they are now ready improve their service and innovate on the current experience. I am supporting them in undertaking user research and in the creation of rapid prototypes for use as stimulus in that research - specifically exploring voice and other input methods/hardware.

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Royal Society of Chemistry /

How do we unify all our education resources into one site for teachers?

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The RSC have a rich, varied assortment of services and resources, from a regularly published magazine to school events, thousands of digital resources, online tools and more, all aimed at supporting teachers and learners. Over time these have been delivered via different websites and multitude of sub sections on their main site. The goal for this project was to help the RSC combine and unify all of these into a single unified experience that would better support their customers.

  • Heuristic Evaluation

  • Stakeholder workshops

  • User research

  • Site audit / Content Audit

  • Information architecture

  • Journey mapping

  • Registration design

  • Accessibility advice


Site map > user research > restructured site

Site map > user research > restructured site

Cambridge University Press / Elevate

How do we re-imagine textbooks as a blended service and a global platform?

Working with the Directors, Senior Managers & Publishers of a CUP to transform the DNA of their business into a ‘digital first’ market leader with a focus on ‘re-imagining’ traditional textbook publishing into a contemporary, rich, web and mobile digital experience.

Digital first book design and production process..

Digital first book design and production process..

and yet, still, we made great print..

and yet, still, we made great print..

Easy though, it twas not.

Easy though, it twas not.

User research, strategy & Ideation

User research, strategy & Ideation

Rapid iterative prototyping & user testing with teachers and students

Rapid iterative prototyping & user testing with teachers and students

MoJ / CPS / Prosecutor app

How do we make Summary Justice more efficient and efficacious?

View case study


Webgains / Performance app

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Pearson - direct to consumer learning / Tutorama

How can private tutoring be delivered worldwide?

Pearson had recognised a growing market for direct to consumer learning through the provision of private tutors. We set out to understand how video services, live and recorded, could meet this market need.

  • Strategy and planning

  • Stakeholder workshops

  • Digital strategy

  • User research

  • Experience mapping 

  • Ideation workshops

  • Paper and high fidelity prototypes

  • Information architecture 

  • Design direction

  • Business strategy

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Edison Learning / Miteinander Projekt

How do you start engage your population to fight against racism? 

Stakeholder interviews

  • Strategy

  • User research

  • Ideation

  • Prototyping

  • User testing

  • Design direction


BBC - CBBC Something extra special / Interactive TV pilot

What will toddlers do with non-linear TV?   


Working with CBBC production and YouView team to explore the possibilities of interactive television formats with pre-primary children. In case you’re wondering - what they did most, was play songs, again, again, again……

  • User research

  • Stakeholder workshops

  • Ideation workshops

  • Storyboarding

  • Prototyping

  • Design direction


Khalili Collection / The visiting museum

How can we share our priceless objects?

Using high resolution 3D scanning & AR to make our collection (and experts) travel anywhere.


Edexcel  / ResultsPlus & ResultsPlusProgress

Could exam results offer more useful information to learners? 

  • User needs research

  • Ideation

  • Commissioning presentation

  • Information architecture

  • Prototyping & iteration

  • User testing

  • Design direction

  • LeanUX / Agile development


Maimonides - UNESCO / Interfaith explorers

How can pupils take an intercultural journey ?


RockFig Open Learning

How do students find relevant, quality, free learning content? 

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Digital and business strategy

  • User research

  • Rapid prototyping 

  • Product design

Active Share / Global Innovation Intranet

Can all our staff around the world be involved in innovation? 

  • User and business need research

  • Stakeholder & co-design workshops

  • IA, UX, IxD

  • Design direction

  • User testing

  • Prototyping

  • LeanUX + Agile development

OU / Political Crisis - interactive simulation

How do practice decision making that might have massive implications.. ?


Financial Times Marketing / Infograffing

How do we engage our staff and clients to understand the value of the ‘big data’ we have in FT Marketing? 

Combining graffiti and the art of telling stories with big data in a fun team based workshop we called “Infograffing”

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How do you tell stories with data?

Workshop series run with a range of corporate marketing teams.

Public Health England / Evaluating behavioural change apps / User Research


Pearsons / Active Learn Revise / GCSE Revision service / Digital strategy and UX

Longman Revise.png / UK launch & UX consulting

LexisNexis / Information Architecture and Global UX strategy


Criminal Justice System / Criminal Prosecution Service / HMRC / Model Crown Court

How do we make Crown Courts function more effectively ?

  • User research

  • Senior stakeholder workshop

  • Ideation workshops

  • Desk research

  • UX strategy

  • Design Direction

  • Rich picture creation


How do we unify our websites across Europe? 

Working with Euroconsumers (the European equivalent of Which?) for the last year across Belgium, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Brazil.

Euroconsumers asked cxpartners to lead a transformation project across all of their markets to introduce user centred and mobile first methodologies to their design and development teams.

Your work has transformed the way the organisation approaches the design and build of their digital products and services. Wim Vanryckeghem - Digital Director, Test Aankoop

We designed and built their first responsive product selector in Belgium and subsequently rolled it out together with a series of redesigns and new digital product design and build projects across the rest of their markets. A large design pattern library has been created to support the ongoing evolution and centralised management of the services. 

