Design has become more central to business success, recognised as a wider, deeper discipline that can discover and deliver on the real needs of customers, creating better products and services. As design matures, methods and approaches have rapidly shifted, changed, extended, been renamed (and invented terminology), evolved, questioned established practices, responded to new technologies, been a part of shifting company cultures.

I’ve been gathering, learning, trying, using, explaining (ideally in plain english) and documenting all of the above for many years as my own aide memoire.

There is no easy way to categorise or organise these methods without becoming prescriptive in terms of process, so I have adopted for a pick and mix approach - select what you need dependent on project, context, preferences - a loosely organised ‘spice box’ of methods and skills.

Though many of these methods are focused on users - finding ways to keep a genuine focus on users always seems to be a struggle for many businesses. Making a clear commitment up front to how and how often you’ll be in direct contact with your customers and sticking with it, has in the end always been for me the most important part of any success in designing products and services.

Get ready, stay steady

Lifecycle processes

  • Double diamond

  • Lean UX

  • The IBM loop

  • GDS

  • GV design sprints

  • Adaptive

  • Design thinking

  • Analogy

Product management & UX

UX in Agile process

Diagraming process

Leadership, planning & governance

Shaping, mobilising & managing projects

Creating and motivating teams


Design tools

Project kick off

Project team kick off


Culture mapping

Requirement gathering and documentation

Project Canvas

Discovery & definition

Problem definition / Opportunity space

Generative research

Exploratory Product Research

Desk research

Secondary research

Competitor benchmarking

Social market trends / PESTLE / SWOT


Content audit

Brand research

Expert review

Business research

Understand technology parameters (CMS, 3rd Party Services)

Stakeholder mapping, interviews

& workshops

User research, Qual & Quant

User Recruitment

Depth interviews

Contextual research

Content strategy

Jobs to be done



Ethnographic research

Longitudinal research

Diary studies

Mapping user need


Experience mapping

Task modelling

Service ecosystem map

Service blueprint


Business model canvas

Service proposition

Road mapping

Measurement frameworks

Brand definition and strategy

Brand design principles

Define design principles

Designing / building / testing

Designing for screens, voice, AR/VR +

Designing for context

Design systems

Design principles

Design for learning



Brand workshops

Concepts, ideation

Co-creation workshopping

Content design

Short form creative brief

Information architecture

Card sorting


Navigation models

Sketching & Wireframes


  • Paper and pen

  • Software tools

  • Coded

Performance metrics

Design within Agile

Design/Dev workflows

Documenting design decisions

Data visualisation & Dashboards

Usability testing

Guerrilla testing

Lab based testing

Remote moderated testing